Never not Hungry

Sharing my genuine passion for food with you!

Food is not just about eating: it’s an experience that brings people together, starts conversations, and creates memories.

About Hungry Antwerp

I’m Manon Van Hove, the person behind this culinary journey. With a deep passion for food and communication, I use both to showcase the vibrant food scene in Antwerp. I love balancing my life between exploring new dining experiences and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

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Food consultancy, digital marketing, and event planning services.

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Appreciated by the best

Hungry Antwerp is proud of the connections made and the success stories created. But don't just take our word for it - here's what others have to say.

"The collaboration with Manon was not only super smooth, but also extremely fun. We searched together for a way to bring the Bombay brand subtly but elegantly on her page, where Manon herself came up with a proposal that exceeded our expectations. The combination of good communication, modesty and creativity makes Manon a unique partner. Kindness takes you all the way!"

Interactive guide

Discover this interactive map and explore a few highlighted dining spots, offering a variety of cuisines.

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Ready to add a pinch of Hungry Antwerp to your project? My inbox is always open for a dose of culinary curiosity or a creative collaboration.

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